Molweni Bantwana Outreach
During Lent, the learners and staff of Holy Cross Primary School collected food parcels for a project in Lady Grey. Mrs Viljean Burger, in conjunction with the Uniting Reform Church of South Africa and members of the community, launched a project where poorer community members can bring recyclable rubbish in exchange for food, clothes, toys, books, etc. As a Catholic school, we are called to make a difference and reach out to poorer communities. Joining hands with established programmes, we make a point of contributing to bring about a positive change in our community. This year, we donated the food parcels we collected to the programme in Lady Grey. It was touching to see how great the need is for more effort to help relieve the plight of the poorer people. Old, young and children, some not yet of school going age, brought bags full of rubbish just to buy food and warm clothes for people in the household. Often, the children will skip toys because the hunger and cold spoke louder than their need for entertainment and self-satisfaction. We have come to realise that there is power in joining hands across denominations to fight a common enemy: poverty. Taking small steps to help even a few people change lives and bring hope.
Changing a person’s life, one bottle top at a time.
Holy Cross Primary School embarked on an initiative to collect as many plastic bottle tops and bread bag tags as possible. This initiative sees HCPS donate a new wheelchair for every 450kg of plastic bottle tops and every 200kg bread bag tags collected. HCPS has now donated the third wheelchair since we started this project in 2020. The wheelchairs is given to a needy person who are from the poorest of the poor. These people often have no one to care for them and no means to get hold of a wheelchair. The latest wheelchair went to an elderly gentleman of over 80 years who has lost a leg and cannot walk anymore. Now, thanks to the selfless efforts of the learners, parents and staff of HCPS, his life is changed and is able to move around comfortably and easily. We already have enough bottle tops for the fourth wheelchair and look forward to receiving it soon to change another person’s life.